How commercial is LENR?

Since I’ve broached the topic of LENR, the question now is “How commercially viable is LENR?” In part, that has been address in Tyler van Houweligne’s slideshow, “Is Commercial Low Energy Nuclear Reaction (LENR) the Real Deal?” available here:

It is a well considered compilation of research and opinions, and though the tone may be influenced toward the affirmative by the author, the sources cited appear both legitimate and accurate according to several sources. However, this is not the final word and widely published research confirmations are still required.

Second option for powering gMOD

This also posted in e-Cat World on the 17th:

“This short comment by Brian Ahern, CTO of Vibronic Energy, was posted on Peter Gluck’s Ergo Out web site today.

I am announcing the nanonickel breakthrough at the New Energy Symposium in NYC on Wednesday. I am saying the energy is real, repeatable and of useful output. I will also state that it is not of nuclear origin. I will say that it is a manifestation of asymmetric magnetism. This explains the lack of radiation accompanying my 21 watts of thermal excess power. Defkalion is getting even better results and others around the world are as well.

The energy landscape is going to change in a viral manner.

The New Energy Symposium is being held at 7 World Trade Center from July 17-19th, and Vibronic Energy Technologies is listed as one of the presenters there. Ahern has been working in the nickel-hydrogen reaction field for some time now, but neither he, or any other researcher in that field as far as I know has mentioned that the Ni-H reaction is a product of ‘asymmetric magnetism’. That sounds like something that would come from Steorn, rather than people working on LENR. Very curious.”

Steorn has a rather mixed reputation after a very high profile claim of an excess production of energy through subtle manipulation of asymmetric magnetism, and then switching to a very low profile as they develop their HephaHeat spinoff product.

In my book I had suggested that gravityships and other uses of gMOD might be continually powered either through LENR or through application of Steorn’s research in asymmetric magnetism to providing high energy outputs after an initial input of energy… very similar to LENR.

Many thousands of hours under four years of NDAs were spent by myself and dozens of outside engineers to study the “Steorn Effect” using solid and nanonickel alloys, but key elements to a successful replication were always out of reach. Now Ahern (PhD in Materials Science from MIT, consultant to the USAF and formerly of Ames National Laboratory) is similarly announcing energy production from asymmetric magnetism. Here is his presentation (actually more of a pitch… and parts are visually clipped) to the New Energy Symposium:

In NextBigFuture on Nov 18 of last year, it was reported that Ahern explained his findings to Akito Takahashi working to replicate the LENR experiments of Yashiaki Arata in early 2009 and he (Takahashi) succeeded immediately.

As NextBigFuture reported,
“Ahern has been funded for 2.5 years to replicate Arata and then push on towards Piantelli. Ahern has also been guiding George Miley’s group at UIUC on this nanotechnology, and the group seems to be enjoying a great deal of success in the month on October.

It also appears that the phenomenon may account for and explains a persistent mystery regarding the unification of physics.

Ahern states “In the last 8 weeks I have been astounded by a superior nanotechnology that will capture the imagination of even the greatest foes of LENR. I believe all of LENR is just a new and unanticipated form of nanomagnetism.”

First Research for Powering Vehicles with LENR

In my book “Gravity 2.0” I addressed the importance of employing uninterruptible and long lasting power sources for long-duration gravity vehicles, floating buildings and interstellar space craft.

I stated at that time (March 2011) that the U.S. Navy, and professors Andrea Rossi and Sergio Focardi of the University of Bologna among others were testing LENR (low energy nuclear reaction) reactors. LENR is the current generation of what used to be called “cold fusion.” Though 1MW power plants are currently being tested in Florida using this technology, to date there had not been an effort to employ this new technology for powering vehicles… but that has now changed.

As reported in E-Cat World, LENR Cars is a site that has recently appeared with the stated goal of “developing a zero emission car, self sustained in terms of energy for at least 40,000 km.” The project is headed by entrepreneur and engineer Nicolas Chauvin who is based in Lausanne, Switzerland. Their cars will be powered with nickel-hydrogen LENR reactors.

According to the site, the preference is to use Defkalion GT’s 45kW Hyperion reactor as the basis for the LENR powered cells they hope to develop. Defkalion is a Greek firm leading industrial applications of LENR. LENR Cars were presenters at the recent International Low Energy Nuclear Reactions Symposium in Williamsburg, Virinia (ILENRS 12) and here is the slide show they used:

EHT and the Higgs

The Higgs boson has been in the news lately. Its detection (or at least the detection of a particle very similar to a singular Higgs) has been claimed by CERN. But as reported in various scientific publications, further analysis of the data from particle physicists at Argonne National Laboratory in Illinois suggests that CERN is just about as likely to have found evidence for more exotic varieties of the Higgs particle, called Higgs doublets or Higgs triplets. These “impostor” Higgs particles are part of a non-Standard Model interpretation of the Higgs concept, where several different Higgs-type particles (instead of just one) are together responsible for the Higgs field. In fact, a popular theory known as supersymmetry predicts at least five Higgs particles, and others predict many more.

What does Extended Heim Theory say of the Higgs? Here are snippets from various articles authored by Hauser and Droescher.

The 6 generators of O(2, q) for subspace S2 give rise to 6 Higgs fields (bosons) through which fermions are coming into existence (mass and charge). Six Higgs fields should exist, whose lightest particle mass should have, according to considerations from EHT, a mass of 182.7 ± 0.7 GeV.

The 6 anti-Higgs bosons of O(2,q) from subspace I2 procure mass and charge, including imaginary mass for the particles representing non-ordinary matter. In total there should exist twelve Higgs fields (two O(2,q) groups) that endow physical particles (fields) with their inherent charges.

It is assumed that the current of the superconducting electrons (Cooper pairs) causes a current of imaginary electrons. Imaginary particles are formed via the Higgs mechanism, for instance, as described by Kaku (Kaku, M.: Quantum Field Theory, Oxford, 1993).

Because of the twelve Higgs fields, 12 charges are proposed; four of them should be of gravitational nature. And that’s what is proposed in EHT, gravitophotons v0gp-, v0gp+, v0g, and v0q.

New Ebook Available on Gravity and Superconductors

Dr. Hauser wrote the forward and contributed a chapter with Dr. Droescher (“Emerging Physics for Gravity-Like Fields”). Individual chapters may be downloaded, but those in the U.S. should be aware that orders from Bentham (located in the United Arab Emirates) may trigger fraud alerts on your credit card.

Gravity-Superconductors Interactions: Theory and Experiment
eISBN: 978-1-60805-399-5

Volume 1

pp.i-iii (1) Authors: Jean-Marie Muylaert, Jochem H. Hauser

pp.iv-iv (1) Authors: G. Modanese, G.A. Robertson

List of Contributors 
pp.v-v (1) Authors: G. Modanese, G.A. Robertson

Gravity-Superconductors Interactions: Historical Background
pp.3-22 (20) Authors: Giovanni Modanese, Glen A. Robertson

Interactions Between Superconductors and High-Frequency Gravitational Waves
pp.23-57 (35) Author: R.C. Woods

High Temperature Superconductors as Quantum Sources of Gravitational Waves: The HTSC GASER
pp.58-73 (16) Author: Giorgio Fontana

Quantum Effects in the Type II Superconductor that Lead to Power Radiated in Gravitational Waves
pp.74-104 (31) Author: Glen A. Robertson

Quantum Gravity Evaluation of Stimulated Graviton Emission in Superconductors
pp.105-131 (27) Author: Giovanni Modanese

Tajmar Experiments on “Condensing the Vacuum”
pp.132-152 (21) Author: R.A. Lewis

The Chiao Gravity-Superconductor EM Transducer: An Overview
pp.153-168 (16) Author: R.A. Lewis

Study of Light Interaction with Gravity Impulses and Measurements of the Speed of Gravity Impulses
pp.169-182 (14) Authors: Evgeny Podkletnov, Giovanni Modanese

Setup for the Impulse Gravity Generator Experiment Replication
pp.183-202 (20) Author: Timo Junker

Experimental Considerations in Superconductor Gravity Experiments
pp.203-228 (26) Authors: George Hathaway, Harald Reiss

Emerging Physics for Gravity-Like Fields
pp.229-270 (42) Authors: Walter Droescher, Jochem Hauser

Gravity-Superconductor Interactions from a Hierarchy of Density Dependent Scalar Fields: A Dark Matter Connection
pp.271-287 (17) Author: Glen A. Robertson

Impact of Lifetime and Decay Rates of Thermally Excited States in Superconductors on a Gravity Experiment
pp.288-324 (37) Author: Harald Reiss

Subject Index 
pp.325-326 (2) Authors: Giovanni Modanese, Glen A. Robertson

Presentation by Dr. Hauser

On June 21 in the Physorg forum on Burkhard Heim’s Particle Structure Theory, I posted:
“Prof. Hauser gave a lecture yesterday in Braunschweig on ‘Emerging Physics for Space Propulsion and Energy Generation.’ ”

Prof. Hauser will also be presenting at the Joint Propulsion Conference of the AIAA (American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics) in Atlanta. He will be presenting in the evening of Monday July 30 on the topic “On the Reality of Gravity-Like Fields.”

New paper in International Review of Aerospace Engineering

This article, “Gravity-Like Fields New Paradigm for Propulsion Science” by Jochem Hauser and Walter Dröscher (actually published in March 2012), appeared in the journal: International Review of Aerospace Engineering – October 2011 (Vol. 4, N. 5), pp. 287-306.

The copyright was transferred to the journal, and the article needs to be directly obtained from the journal website The introduction of the paper is available here:

I encourage everyone to read the introduction. Drs. Hauser and Dröscher were again kind enough to mention my book in the Introduction of their article (p. 289).

PDF of presentation by Dr. Hauser

This was recently posted on the HPCC-Soace GmbH site:

On 15 Dec. 2011, Prof. J. Hauser gave an introduction to the Physics of Propulsion from Gravity-Like Fields (shortened version of this presentation can be downloaded here) at the Institut für Lufttransportsysteme (ILT) of the DLR in Hamburg-Harburg, Germany.

There is both substantial theoretical and experimental (Tajmar 2006-2011, Graham, and possibly Gravity Probe-B) evidence that extreme gravitomagnetic and gravity-like fields might exist, not predicted by any of the so called advanced physical theories. Thus, the current belief in the existence of exactly four physical forces might have to be extended, in particular, with regard to recent experiments.

For instance, concerning special relativity (CERN OPERA superluminal neutrino speed) as well as general relativity (rotational speed of stars in gas rich galaxies and dark matter, S.S. Mc Gaugh, Maryland). Also, the so called physics beyond the standard model of particle physics like supersymmetry, string theory with 10 or 11 dimensions, multiverse etc. might not reflect physical reality, since the Large Hadron Collider, except for the possibility of a Higgs boson at about 125 GeV, has not found any new particles up to 600 GeV.

Furthermore, the ESA Integral satellite measurements invalidate predictions from quantum gravity. In addition, the computer experiments by Loll, Ambjorn et al. require a repulsive gravitational force (in form of Einstein’s cosmological constant) for a four-dimensional spacetime to evolve and seem to favor a de Sitter topology. Last but not least, the question of the speed of gravity does not appear to have been settled (van Flandern 1998, Rowlands 2007 etc.).

In conclusion, there is evidence that gravity is more than simple Newtonian gravitation, and perhaps attractive and repulsive gravitational forces exist. It is possible that an interaction between gravitation and electromagnetism at cryogenic temperatures occurs, as indicated in recent gravitomagnetic experiments. So far, a set of ten experiments was identified that have the potential to lead to novel physics not covered by mainstream theoretical concepts. As a result of these experiments, novel particles and fields might be required in conjunction with different types of matter, leading to new technologies in (space) transportation and direct energy generation.

E-Cat and gravity generators

Over the past month there has been growing media coverage for Andrea Rossi’s E-Cat (energy catalyzer) technology. Today an article in the Boston Globe describes Rossi’s meeting with representatives from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Northeastern University and the University of Massachusetts. He was invited by the state Senate’s minority leader, Bruce Tarr.

The E-Cat is the most recent generation of proposed LENR (Low Energy Nuclear Reaction) describing what originally was known as “cold fusion”. The tie-in to gravity modification is that the E-Cat was mentioned in March in my book Gravity 2.0 as one of two potential energy technologies capable of providing a low-carbon sustained energy output for the continuous powering of gravity generators used in the maintenance of gravitational assists and the floating of architectural structures.

In late October Rossi demonstrated a 1 MW power plant that fits into a shipping container. It was independently tested then reportedly purchased by a military customer. Twelve other units have been ordered by that custom according to Ross and another plant was sold to a non-military customer willing to put the plant on display for public viewing.

For years LENR has been gaining interest by major research institutions. In May the chief scientist at NASA’s Langley Research Center wrote that are doing experiments to verify, or not, the Widom-Larsen theory which is a LENR replication. Also, the U.S. Navy’s SPAWAR laboratories have reported over the past few years their analysis of LENR replications. Rossi’s reported energy profiles produced by the E-Cat are far more energetic that those reported by any other research group and his work relies heavily upon prior research conducted by colleagues Sergio Focardi and Francesco Piantelli.

In a parallel development, Brian Ahern from Ames National Labs thinks that LENR is just a result of nanomagnetism. Ahern states “In the last 8 weeks I have been astounded by a superior nanotechnology that will capture the imagination of even the greatest foes of LENR. I believe all of LENR is just a new and unanticipated form of nanomagnetism.” Ahern reportedly will publish an expansion of his findings on Dec 7.

Rossi’s use of oscillating fields in his tests and Ahern’s focus on nanomagnetism are reminiscent of aspects of Steorn Inc.’s solid state “Orbo” technology which is being released under the title “HephaHeat.” Steorn still has yet to release working versions of its heating technology for public examination.

[In the interest of full disclosure I have been under a non-compensatory non-disclosure agreement to Steorn Inc. since May 2007.]