Daily Archives: April 3, 2011

Pioneer Anomaly Solution Undercuts MOND, MiHsC but not EHT

For those not in the know, MIT’s Technology Review reports that a new computer model of the way heat is emitted by various parts of the Pioneer spacecraft and reflected off others, finally solves one of the biggest mysteries in astrophysics. By using a computer modeling technique called Phong shading to work out exactly how the emitted heat from the Pioneer 10 and 11 spacecrafts is reflected and in which direction it ends up traveling, it undercuts support for two theories of modified gravity and inertia that had relied upon “new physics” to explain the anomaly.

These two theories, MOND (Modified Newtonian Dynamics) and MiHsC (Modified Inertia due to a Hubble-scale Casimir effect) have employed data from the Pioneer spacecraft to give weight to their theories of how gravity (or inertia) might change over long distances.

In MOND, gravity changes are described as an alternative explanation for what is commonly known as dark matter. If the gravitational constant changes with distance there is no requirement for additional matter.

Currently MiHsC is the theory held by Dr. Martin Tajmar of KAIST as the most likely candidate to describe his dipolar gravity effects discovered at ARC/AIT and announced in 2006. But Tajmar’s results are also cited by Drs. Hauser and Droescher as experimental proof of EHT (Extended Heim Theory) which also predicts previously undetected massive particles (though not WIMPS) as the basis for dark matter without need for the changes in gravity due to distances (albeit gravity is modified in other manners).

With this new finding MOND’s explanation for dark matter becomes less likely, and the support for MiHsC also fades, though MiHsC also sites flyby anomalies as evidence supporting their hypothesis. This gives EHT a more preferred (though certainly not proven) position to explain both Tajmar’s findings and dark matter.

However, EHT still remains an outlier theory and additional experimentation must be completed to secure its position as an explanation for dark matter, dark energy and the complete view of gravity.

MIT article here: http://www.technologyreview.com/blog/arxiv/26589/
ArXIV article here: http://arxiv.org/abs/1103.5222


Gravity 2.0 was mentioned at the 2011 SPESIF Conference held March 15-17 at the University of Maryland. The presenter, Dr. Jochem Hauser, was presenting a paper for the American Institute of Physics on Extended Heim Theory (the physics focus of my book) and has been very generous in his time to review my book before publication.  The conference was organized in cooperation with the the American Astronautical Society (AAS), the “premier independent scientific and technical group in the United States exclusively dedicated to the advancement of space science and exploration.”

Dr. Hauser is a Professor of High Performance Computing in Suderburg, Germany. In 2007 he was a Visiting Scientist at the Institute of Mechanics at the Technical University of Clausthal, Clausthal-Zellerfeld, Germany, teaching plasma physics and performing research in advanced space propulsion through gravitomagnetic fields.

Other areas of research interest include modern Riemann solvers for computational fluid dynamics and electrodynamics, heat flux and aerodynamic control of space vehicles using magnetic and time dependent electric fields.

He is also an Advanced Space Propulsion Consultant in the field of aerodynamic simulation and high-performance computing for the European Union and the European Space Agency, and from 1988-1992 headed the Aerothermodynamics Section at the European Space Research and Technology Center (ESTEC) of the European Space Agency in Noordwijk, The Netherlands.

The book was also reviewed by Dr. Martin Tajmar, formerly a professor of micropropulsion physics in Austria and now at KAIST (Korea’s Institute of Science and Technology).  Drs. Tajmar and de Matos did the original experiments at ARC/AIT (the largest research institute in Austria) demonstrating a dipolar (attractive and repulsive) gravitomagnetic-like field in the laboratory that was as strong as the naturally occurring field of a white dwarf star – and with a strength 18 orders of magnitude larger than predicted by general relativity.

You can see the presentation below. Click the red, then the green play buttons. The citation of the book appears right away and it completed within the first three minutes of Dr. Hauser’s presentation.

Gravity 2.0 – the book


Gravity 2.0 explores the design opportunities found in a unique and evolving theory of quantum gravity. If confirmed, it will dramatically change – and possibly save – our world.

Gravity 2.0
Design Strategies for a Gravity Modified World

by Gregory Daigle

ISBN-10: 0615447651 epub version
ISBN-13: 978-0-615-44765-0 epub version

Read a preview of the book before purchasing. When ready to purchase:

The book is about the impacts of a technology to modify gravity and how a new discipline of “gravity design” will guide new designs in transportation, architecture, medicine, sports, and possibly make our world a greener place to live.

This is neither science fiction nor junk science. The peer reviewed scientific studies cited are part of a growing body of work to understand the nature of gravity and to provide answers as to why general relativity is incomplete in describing our universe. We are on the brink of another incredible expansion of technology – and gravity is at its center.

This book reviews one outlier theory of gravity modification from the mid 1950s through experiments conducted at one of Europe’s largest research laboratories conducted with the support of the European Space Agency and NASA. Written from a designer’s perspective, the book investigates recent expansions of the theory with implications for propulsion. It explores what it would take to construct field generators by employing existing magnetic and condensed matter physics, then forecasts possible future impacts.

Flying cars and spaceports are only the most obvious outcomes. Also explored is how gravity modification (gMod) can improve medical care, alter manufacturing, produce remarkable architecture, change the physicality of sports, and even resist the effects of climate change. Gravity modification may not only be the answer to a more economically vibrant and game-changing future, but also the answer to generating clean and carbon free green energy.

The book’s chapters are organized into three main parts: I. A New Technological Domain, II. Gravity Design Applications, and III. Cleaning our Gravity Well.

Part I is an introduction to the theory and experiments behind gravity modification. The first chapter, “Gravity is Still a Puzzle”, reviews the historical attempts to escape our gravity well and how to separate bogus science from real science. “Breakthrough Programs” reviews the research and experiments conducted that led to gravity modification. “Heim Theory” addresses the historical and current developments of a leading theory explaining how “gravity-like” fields can be generated in the laboratory. “Making a Gravity Engine” addresses some of the known experiments to turn theory into practice by generating gravity-like fields.

In Part II, its initial chapter “Designing a World without Gravity” discusses design approaches and philosophies for designers and architects when approaching a world-changing technology. “Where’s My Flying Car?” highlights the transportation applications of gravity modification for a daily commute a thousand feet above the ground in gravityships. “Gravitecture+” discusses incremental uses of gravity modification to structurally augment architecture, but also to make possible fantastic architectural edifices that float in the air. “Gravity Design for Products” looks at potential product applications from sports to medicine to mining, and explores how movement in three-dimensional space will impact our social interactions, demography and democracy.

In Part III, “Is Gravity Green?” details forecasting the use of gravity-like fields to produce clean energy, reduce consumption of fossil fuels, sequester greenhouse gases and slow the rate of sea level change. “Industrial Spaceports” addresses clearing near-earth orbit of dangerous debris, establishing communications satellites practically anywhere in orbit and developing full industrial spaceports. Finally, “The New Gravity Meme” addresses how, like the discoveries of “perspective” and “relativity” before, new ways of thinking about gravity will change how we perceive the world around us.

The Author –

Written by a former professor of industrial design, this digital book contains over 330 citations to research, articles and other publications investigating this new technology domain.

Gregory Daigle is an educator, project manager and technology writer. Mr. Daigle is a former Associate Professor of Industrial Design at the Minneapolis College of Art and Design and currently teaches mobile interface and Web design at the University of Minnesota. He has collaborated on designs produced by Herman Miller Inc., and has been a design consultant for manufacturers such as 3M, Cray Research and Stratasys. For years he worked for Bill Stumpf, an iconic industrial designer, and served as the firm’s Research Manager and as a Senior Designer.

He is also a project manager and instructional designer for the e-learning industry with clients in the medical, financial and airlines industries. He co-founded ICONOS inc., a pioneering firm producing STEM learning software for children and whose productions included the “What’s the Secret?” science series for PBS and the first interactive version of Macworld Magazine. His software productions have garnered several dozen national and international awards and distinctions from the software, film and video industries. He also managed creative and production staffs for the interactive division of Bozell Kamstra, an Ad Age and Adweek Top-100 interactive advertising agency.

Greg has written about science and technology innovations including such diverse topics as gravity modification, metamaterials, printable robots and digital tattoos for one of the first online news journals in Korea, OhmyNews. He also acts as Executive Director of Digital Watershed, a non-profit engaged in developing wireless tools, place- based learning and global education for young adults on the topic of climate change. His Web site on advances in gravity research and development, “Gravity Modification“, was established in 2007.

Gravityship Flyways

In May of 2009 I made the first mention of an upcoming book on gravity modification for designers. After several delays I would like to announce that the book was published in digital format and available for Amazon’s Kindle, Barnes and Noble’s Nook and on iTune’s iBooks for the iPhone and iPad in March of 2011. See the next post in this blog for additional details.

The title is “Gravity 2.0 – Design Strategies for a Gravity Modified World.” The book is about designed futures rather than a treatise on validating the science. Told from a designer’s perspective and borrowing from the great design visionaries of the past, the book includes the occasional “Design Vision”, which are future-based scenarios addressing new applications of gMod as if it were already a proven and commonly deployed technology.

After the initial publication a re-imagining of this site and interactive features will be added to create a more open and collaborative exploration of gMod. Included will be interactive models in Google Earth such as the gravityship flyways, commuter aerial routes for gravityships in and out of a city.

The Flyways file can also be downloaded HERE.