What would it take to prototype a generator? Hauser and Droscher have suggested some requirements within their publications. Those requirements are discussed here. Perhaps you will be the one to first build a working “bench test” for a gravity generator.
Roberta Daigle joined the group
Prototyping generators 10 years, 7 months ago
gdaigle posted an update in the group
Prototyping generators 10 years, 8 months ago
A more robust design configuration capable of generating sufficient lifting force for a space vehicle (shown at the top of this group) would need sufficient current to produce a much stronger acceleration field. In practice a larger disk and bigger coils would also be needed to lift such a mass. As suggested in their 2010 AIP study, this…[Read more]
gdaigle posted an update in the group
Prototyping generators 10 years, 8 months ago
In the short version of their 2007 paper, Advanced Propulsion Systems from Artificial Gravitational Fields 89 , Dröscher and Hauser dropped their fermion coupling approach and discussed how they would reconfigure Tajmar’s apparatus to become GME2 (Gravito Magnetic Experiment #2), a “bench test” experiment employing boson coupling through a spin…[Read more]
gdaigle created the group
Prototyping generators 10 years, 8 months ago