Daily Archives: November 28, 2011

E-Cat and gravity generators

Over the past month there has been growing media coverage for Andrea Rossi’s E-Cat (energy catalyzer) technology. Today an article in the Boston Globe describes Rossi’s meeting with representatives from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Northeastern University and the University of Massachusetts. He was invited by the state Senate’s minority leader, Bruce Tarr.

The E-Cat is the most recent generation of proposed LENR (Low Energy Nuclear Reaction) describing what originally was known as “cold fusion”. The tie-in to gravity modification is that the E-Cat was mentioned in March in my book Gravity 2.0 as one of two potential energy technologies capable of providing a low-carbon sustained energy output for the continuous powering of gravity generators used in the maintenance of gravitational assists and the floating of architectural structures.

In late October Rossi demonstrated a 1 MW power plant that fits into a shipping container. It was independently tested then reportedly purchased by a military customer. Twelve other units have been ordered by that custom according to Ross and another plant was sold to a non-military customer willing to put the plant on display for public viewing.

For years LENR has been gaining interest by major research institutions. In May the chief scientist at NASA’s Langley Research Center wrote that are doing experiments to verify, or not, the Widom-Larsen theory which is a LENR replication. Also, the U.S. Navy’s SPAWAR laboratories have reported over the past few years their analysis of LENR replications. Rossi’s reported energy profiles produced by the E-Cat are far more energetic that those reported by any other research group and his work relies heavily upon prior research conducted by colleagues Sergio Focardi and Francesco Piantelli.

In a parallel development, Brian Ahern from Ames National Labs thinks that LENR is just a result of nanomagnetism. Ahern states “In the last 8 weeks I have been astounded by a superior nanotechnology that will capture the imagination of even the greatest foes of LENR. I believe all of LENR is just a new and unanticipated form of nanomagnetism.” Ahern reportedly will publish an expansion of his findings on Dec 7.

Rossi’s use of oscillating fields in his tests and Ahern’s focus on nanomagnetism are reminiscent of aspects of Steorn Inc.’s solid state “Orbo” technology which is being released under the title “HephaHeat.” Steorn still has yet to release working versions of its heating technology for public examination.

[In the interest of full disclosure I have been under a non-compensatory non-disclosure agreement to Steorn Inc. since May 2007.]

Another theory of gravitational dipoles from the vacuum

In August a study by CERN physicist Draga Slavkov Hajdukovic suggested that dark matter may be an “illusion” caused by the quantum vacuum. Currently mainstream physics assumes there is only a positive gravitational charge. Hajdukovic suggests that if matter and antimatter are gravitationally repulsive, then it would mean that the virtual particle-antiparticle pairs that exist for a limited time in the quantum vacuum are gravitational dipoles.

In the most recent study described, he demonstrates the credibility of this idea by showing that the gravitational polarization of the quantum vacuum can explain four cosmological observations. It has revealed the surprising possibility that the gravitational polarization of the quantum vacuum can produce phenomena usually attributed to dark matter.

“I would say a theory in the early stage,” he told PhysOrg.com. “Thousands of scientists work on the development of the cold dark matter (CDM) theory and the theories of modified gravity (MOND); I am working alone in this third direction.

Well, not quite alone. Hauser and Droescher’s earliest papers on EHT in 2004 proposed using the quantum vacuum as a means for symmetry breaking. This would lead to the breaking of a photon into an attractive and repulsive gravitophoton pair that creates a gravitational dipole.