Monthly Archives: May 2008

Dröscher’s Other… More Controversial Theory of Propulsion

One goal of the work of Dröscher, now made more tangible through his collaboration with Tajmar, is that of propulsive fields achievable of space flight. However a more controversial and advanced propulsion aspect of Dröscher and Häuser’s theory has not been mentioned in their publications in recent years, even though they apparently have not abandoned it. Even among talk of new theories of gravity it is controversial. Yet it was this work that brought them an award by the AIAA (American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics), a very down-to-Earth organization of pragmatic aeronautical engineers and physicists in close association with NASA.

The following descriptions are taken almost wholly from Seculine Consulting’s 2006 “Notes on Heim’s Quantum Theory”, Dröscher & Häuser’s 2002 “Physical Principles of Advanced Space Propulsion Based on Heim’s Field Theory” and their 2004 “Guidelines for a Space Propulsion Device Based on Heim’s Quantum Theory”.

In Heim’s work, which predates string theory, Einstein’s general relativity has been extended in a way that expands the space-time metric by 4 dimensions, and also adds 4 non-metric dimensions for a total of 12 dimensions. In Heim Theory standard gravity G is the tensor summation of three gravitational components, i.e. G = Gg + Ggp + Gq. The 3 gravitational forces are as follows:

Gg (Scalar Gravity, or “Gravitonic”) – propagated by the Graviton
Ggp (Dark Energy/Matter) – a pairing of both attractive (+) and repulsive (-) particles propagated by the Gravito-photon
Gq (Vacuum Field) – a repulsive vacuum particle propagated by the Quintessence particle

Under this theory space propulsion may be achieved using gravitophoton field propulsion, which is predicted to be a two stage process:

Stage 1: Sub-luminal travel is predicted via the acceleration provided by an unbalanced pulling force generated through the absorption of negative gravito-photons in the ship’s drive mechanism.

Stage 2: Super-luminal travel possibilities open up through the use of a positive graivito-photon distribution behind the ship to create a pushing force that results in quantum steps in reduced gravitational potential in the speed of light, and is therefore analogous to a warp drive. This is also described by Heim proponents as a “parallel space” travel since there are different values for G and c within the influence of the positive gravito-photonic field.

Super-luminal travel is faster-than-light travel. Hence the controversy.

Under the assumption that the gravitational potential of the spacecraft can be reduced by the production of quintessence particles, a transition into parallel space is postulated to avoid a potential conflict with relativity theory. In order to resolve this contradiction, it is postulated that the object has to leave our space time and enters into a parallel 4-dimensional physical space-time (or parallel universe/multiverse).

Einstein’s goal was the unification of all physical interactions based on his principle of geometrization, i.e., having a metric that is responsible for the interaction. This principle is termed Einstein’s geometrization principle of physics (EGP). To this end, Heim and Dröscher introduced the concept of an internal space, denoted as Heim space H8, having 8 dimensions (in contrast to the theory’s original 12 dimensions). Although H8 is not a physical space, these invisible internal coordinates govern events in space time.

In such a space, superluminal speeds would be possible in principle. The interesting fact is that an object can transit into parallel space at a relatively low speed from our own space time.

It is clear that a gravito-photon field propulsion would be far superior compared to chemical propulsion or any other currently conceived propulsion system. For instance, an acceleration of 1g could be sustained without entering parallel space during a lunar mission. For such a mission only the acceleration phase is needed. For a launch from the surface of the Earth of a 150,000 kg spacecraft producing an acceleration larger than 1g the first half of the distance to the moon is covered in some 2 hours, resulting in a total flight time of 4 hours. How about a more distant target?

A Mars mission, under the same assumptions as a flight to the moon, would achieve a total flight time with acceleration and deceleration of 34 days in normal space. Entering parallel space, a transition is possible at a speed of some 67,000 mph reached after approximately 1 hour at a constant acceleration of 1g. In parallel space the velocity increases to 0.4 c, reducing total flight time to some 2.5 hours. Compare this to NASA’s projections of a two year round trip to Mars by a direct minimum energy orbit in each direction.

Mars is some 0.5 A.U. away (astronomical units, 1 A.U. = 1,500,000,000 km) yet the nearest star is 4.3 lightyears (1 lightyear = 9,460,000,000,000 km) away. For an interstellar mission, the concept of parallel space is indispensable.

An acceleration phase of some 34 days with 1g would result in a final velocity of just one per cent of the speed of light, 0.01 c in normal space. At the end of an acceleration phase of 34 days a spacecraft with a mass of 100,000 kg transitioned into parallel space would cause a velocity gain by a factor of 33,000 resulting in an effective speed of 330 c. A distance of 10 light-years could be covered within 11 days. The deceleration phase requires another 34 days, so a one-way trip to the star Procyon (11.5 lightyears from Earth) would take about 90 days. There are about 30 known stars within a radius of 13 light-years from Earth.

Gravitophotons and magnetic coupling

EHT (Extended Heim Theory) posits the symmetry breaking of neutral gravitophotons into two types: attractive and repulsive. Though these two types are opposite, they apparently are not equal.

Last week, hdeasy wrote in PhysOrgForum:
“The reason that only one form of force is produced by the gravitophotons is that the coupling constants for the two sorts are different. Only for the attractive gravitophoton is the cross-section for interaction large enough to cause an effect – the other only interacts very weakly.”

The next day alongman replied, in part:
“Using the analogy of the rubber sheet deformed by a bowling ball to illustrate curvature of space by a planetary mass, one can visualize a positive (repulsive) gravitophoton field as causing a (very slight) local upward displacement of the rubber sheet, while a negative (attractive) gravitophoton field causes a relatively much larger downward displacement of the sheet (due to different strength coupling constants as hdeasy points out).”

When I read these postings it gave me a bit of a jolt. Here lies another potentially significant relationship between gravitophotons and magnetism. According to EHT gravitational coupling is greater in attraction and less so in repulsion. What is surprising is that this very much parallels magnetic coupling. Of course the analogy might not stand up under closer scrutiny as to the underlying mechanism, but as early as an 1887 text (Electricity: In Theory and Practice, by B. A. Fiske, D. Van Nostrand Publ. London) it has been known that magnetic repulsion is not as strong as magnetic attraction.

I’m not sure of the significance, but it sure is interesting.

gmod institute stakeholders

Once gravity modification has been demonstrated as a plausible future technology, stakeholders from the academic, governmental and private sectors should be included as gMOD Institute collaborators.

Public policy planning can not afford to lag far behind since the technology would have the potential to make obsolete some established industries while allowing others to flourish. Threatened industries might initiate lobbying efforts for both state and federal legislation to restrict deployment and protect existing commercial interests. The same happened in recent years as citywide wireless broadband technologies were blocked by protectionist legislation backed by incumbent interests.

Federal and international regulations should be established to develop standards for usage without impeding its reasonable growth. International bodies overseeing standards in transportation, health, safety and other arenas should seek coordination of oversight. Each nation, province, state, even local municipality should develop long range plans for embracing a technology that could both disrupt their existing economic base and spur new economic development. Just navigating those waters will likely become a growth industry. However it is also an opportunity for institutes and schools of public policy, technology management, transportation, engineering and design to anticipate, forecast, and get ahead of a pending wave.

At the University of Minnesota, the disciplines organized by a Gravity Modification (gMOD) Institute should be interdisciplinary and wide ranging. The University provides a wide range of resources, both academic and those in support of local communities, appropriate to discussing the opportunities and challenges inherent in new technology applications such as gravity modification.

Below are some resources at the University that may be interested in playing a role as this technology develops:

  • The Hubert H. Humphrey Institute of Public Affairs’ Center for Science, Technology, and Public Policy – The center provides a forum for examining the effects of science and technology on society and on the political and economic relationships among nations. It also suggests to policy makers and the public designs for government policies and institutions that would promote and support appropriate research and development regionally, nationally, and internationally in order to maximize the social rate of return on our investments.
  • University Metropolitan Consortium – The new University Metropolitan Consortium links resources concerned with understanding metropolitan change and development, metropolitan studies and urban and regional planning. Areas include housing, urban development, city planning and transportation to name a few.
  • College of Design – Housed in this college are architecture, urban design and product design… areas of critical importance in developing new products and architecture for the urban landscapes that gMOD would greatly change. The college seeks to advance the quality and value of the natural, designed, and social environments, with a focus on the interaction of people and their world.
  • Institute of Technology’s School of Mechanical Engineering – For many years, Mechanical Engineering has been ranked among the top ten ME departments nationally. Research areas include Design and New Product Realization, Intelligent Transportation Systems and Manufacturing,
  • Center for Transportation Studies’ Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) Institute – Multidisciplinary research and educational organization, focusing on the application of advanced information-processing, communications, and control technologies to current transportation issues. Included in this arena is connection to Minnesota Guidestar – Minnesota’s intelligent transportation systems program; working to research, test, and deploy advanced transportation technology to save lives, time, and money.
  • School of Physics and Astronomy – Physics programs include Condensed matter Physics and Elementary Particle Physics
  • College of Design Metropolitan Design Center – The Metropolitan Design Center (MDC) is an endowed center that investigates how design can be used to make the metropolitan landscape more livable and sustainable. It examines urban design across metropolitan areas through projects, research, and education.
  • Leapfrog University – Leapfrog University proposes a creative, edgy University that leads in this paradigm will create a vibrant, visionary, hard-charging, front-running and value-creating institution that everybody will be proud to variously support, work for, teach at, matriculate to, collaborate with, and donate toward.

Governmental participants should be both national and local.

Outreach efforts to government agencies should include those involved with state and national economic development, transportation, urban development, economic development and technology transfer. Some of these resources might include:

  • Office of Policy Development and Research – PD&R is responsible for maintaining current information on housing needs, market conditions, and existing programs, as well as conducting research on priority housing and community development issues. The Office provides reliable and objective data and analysis to help inform policy decisions.
  • Transportation Research Board – The Transportation Research Board (TRB) is a division of the National Research Council, which serves as an independent adviser to the federal government and others on scientific and technical questions of national importance. The National Research Council is jointly administered by the National Academy of Sciences, the National Academy of Engineering, and the Institute of Medicine. The mission of the Transportation Research Board—one of six major divisions of the National Research Council—is to promote innovation and progress in transportation through research.
  • NASA GRC Technology Transfer and Partnership Office – Glenn Research Center (GRC) fuels the economy while developing cutting edge technology that advances aviation and space exploration. Glenn’s researchers specialize in power propulsion, communications and microgravity science.
  • Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development – The Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development (DEED) is the state’s principal economic development agency, with programs promoting business recruitment, expansion, and retention; workforce development; international trade; and community development. The agency’s mission is to support the economic success of individuals, businesses, and communities by improving opportunities for growth.
  • Small Business Innovation Research Program – The Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Program awards federal research and development funding to small businesses, encouraging the entrepreneurial sector to compete on the same level as larger businesses in exploring their technological potential and profiting from its commercialization.
  • Minnesota Department of Transportation – Mn/DOT’s mission is to improve access to markets, jobs, goods and services and improve mobility by focusing on priority transportation improvements and investments that help Minnesotans travel safer, smarter and more efficiently.
  • Iron Range Resources – Iron Range Resources is a unique state agency designed to help strengthen and diversify the economy of northeastern Minnesota. Specifically, Iron Range Resources serves the interests of the Taconite Assistance Area (TAA), a geographical region encompassing approximately 13,000 square miles that stretches from Crosby, Minn., across the state’s Cuyuna, Mesabi and Vermilion iron ranges to the North Shore of Lake Superior. (See my Feb 17 comments on Spaceport Duluth)

Finally, business groups should reflect local business strengths. Identifying business associations open to potential partnerships for such burgeoning technology will be an important early step. The first step should be here:

  • Minnesota High Technology Association (MHTA) – MHTA supports the growth, sustainability and global competitiveness of Minnesota’s technology- based economy through advocacy, education and collaboration.

The Gravity Modification Institute

In December of 2006 I began my inquires on the formation of a study group on gravity modification at the University of Minnesota.  See document here: Download file.

In early 2007 I approached the  Hubert H. Humphrey Institute of Public Affairs’ Center for Science, Technology and Public Policy to initiate seminars and information sessions.  My hope was that these seminars would stimulate a dialog and eventually lead to a Gravity Modification Institute.

In my model the University’s branches in the Twin Cities, Duluth and Rochester would each provide a connection to their local resources:  Rochester in medical applications, Duluth in space applications and the Twin Cities in public policy, urban design and product design applications. The structure of the Institute could be developed based upon that of the University’s Center for Nanostructured Applications (CNA), the Organization for Minnesota Nanotechnology Initiatives (OMNI) research center, the laboratory umbrella Minnesota Nano Technology Cluster (MiNTeC) and the Nanotechnology Coordinating Office.  These departments collaborate with the private sector’s Minnesota Nanotechnology Initiative (MNI) to provide a statewide foothold for the U of M’s world-class leadership in nanotechnology.

The interdisciplinary nature of gMOD research and applications make such a diverse approach essential to the success of the Institute.  Solidifying a University-wide strategy soon after the validated discovery of substantial gravitomagnetic effects allows the University to leapfrog other educational institutions by months, if not years.

Here is a preliminary suggestion of the framework for the Institute:

Title:   Gravity Modification Institute (alternatively, Center for Gravity Modification)

Location:    Under the Office of the VP of Technology

Partners and Collaborators: College of Design, Metropolitan Design Center, School of Physics, Center for Transportation Studies, University Metropolitan Consortium, Center for Science, Technology and Public Policy

Mission:  Understanding the interrelatedness of public policies, urban design, product development and social structures altered by the mass adoption of gravity modification (gMOD) technologies.

Campuses:  Minneapolis, Duluth and Rochester.

Proposed areas of investigation:

  • Architecture (gravity-aided architecture, cantilever structures, complete load reduction, reinforcement and stabilization against wind, earthquake, flood);
  • Legal (right to light, right to view, roaming rights);
  • Structure Types (residential, barges, factories);
  • Transportation (gravity-assisted transportation through load and friction reduction, gravityships, transportation corridors, transportation smart networks such as ITS);
  • Space Applications (surface to low orbit payloads, disposal of orbital debris, orbital platforms, launch platforms, tug services, importing of raw materials);
  • Industrial Applications (manufacturing processes, transport of liquids/granular materials, vacuumization, shielding from heat/sparks/particulates, containing gases for welding, force field windows, airfoil bodies);
  • Laboratory (growth of defect-free crystals, metal alloy fabrication without sedimentation, centrifuging, electromagnetic optical lensing);
  • Mining/Construction (hoisting, support walls, flood abatement);
  • Medicine (hypergravity osteotherapy/sports conditioning, microgravity treatments for burns, circulatory, other);
  • Safety and Rescue (recovery  from collapsed buildings, extraction from buildings, frozen lakes, cliffs, etc.);
  • Sports (flying sports);
  • Social Impacts (economic divides and dislocations);
  • Semantics (slang and word usages);
  • Public Policy (federal, regional, state and municipal regulation changes, residency, census data, demography, delivery of services);
  • Security/Privacy (advertising, surveillance);
  • Defense (clearing land mines, surveillance/reconnaissance);
  • Dystopic Uses (terrorism, criminal intent, crowd control, religious zealotry, unethical military usage, unlawful surveillance, suppression of civil rights, extreme creative destruction, harmful byproducts, unappealing uses)

Unfortunately, neither the Institute for Public Affairs, College of Design nor the Institute of Technology have expressed an interest in the seminars and information sessions.  However, if the work of Tajmar, Droscher and Hauser gain interest later this year with their upcoming publications, perhaps there will be an opportunity to initiate such seminars early in 2009.

Droscher Article Preparation and Possible Patent

It has recently been reported by hdeasy in the PhysorgForum that Walter Droscher is preparing an article for peer review.  Droscher is co-author with Jochem Hauser on papers promoting Extended Heim Theory (EHT) as the theoretical basis for Dr. Tajmar’s gMOD results.  Droscher is a former collaborator with Burkhard Heim and is a researcher at the Institut für Grenzgebiete der Wissenschaft, Innsbruck, Austria.  In addition, the forum reports that additional studies of Tajmar’s experiment will start up soon at the European Space Agency (one of the original sponsors of Tajmar’s work).

The same blogger reports that Droscher may have filed a patent covering a method for the generation of power based upon Heim theory.  It is unclear how or if this relates to his and Hauser’s recommended reconfiguration of  Tajmar’s device for propulsion.