Daily Archives: July 29, 2012

Lectures series on Gravity-like Fields available

From the HPCC-Space GmbH (High Performance Computing and Communication for Space) site:

A comprehensive lecture series on the Introduction to the Physics of Gravity-like Fields (120 color slides) in pdf format may be purchased from the www.hpcc-space.de site here.

Please e-mail your reply to jh@hpcc-space.de .

This course provides a step by step introduction with detailed explanation for a thorough orientation in the field of both theoretical and experimental breakthrough propulsion physics and energy generation, derived from the novel concept of gravitational engineering. The physics issues are presented with little mathematics, but are illustrated by numerous diagrams in order to give the reader a chance to progress in this field from the popular to the expert level.

New chapter by Hauser and Droescher

Gravity-Superconductors Interactions: Theory and Experiment
(Eds. Giovanni Modanese, Univ. of Bozen, Italy and G. A. Robertson, Institute for Advanced Research in the Space, U.S.A.) was published by Bentham Science Publishers (www.benthamscience.com).

In Chap. 11, pp. 269-319, entitled: Emerging Physics for Gravity-like Fields, W. Droescher and J. H. Hauser present both experimental and theoretical evidence for gravitational engineering that is, the generation of laboratory generated gravitational fields. Extreme gravitomagnetic fields might be generated through a phase transition at cryogenic temperatures, triggering the conversion of electromagnetic into gravitomagnetic potentials. The physical model for this process is presented and the technology ensuing from this novel physical interaction with regard to propellantless propulsion, direct energy generation, and transportation in general is discussed.

In the foreword, written by J. H. Hauser, the publisher has decided, without further consultation, to change the name of Wernher von Braun into Werner von Braun, obviously being unaware that Wernher is the correct first name of Prof. von Braun. The foreword by J. H. Hauser and the introduction to Chapter 11 can be downloaded here.

Note: Be aware that for the above listed book, purchasing chapters or the full book online may encounter credit card fraud alerts… it did for me in the U.S., possibly because the publisher, Bentham Books, is located in the United Arab Emirates.