Daily Archives: May 27, 2008

Gravitophotons and magnetic coupling

EHT (Extended Heim Theory) posits the symmetry breaking of neutral gravitophotons into two types: attractive and repulsive. Though these two types are opposite, they apparently are not equal.

Last week, hdeasy wrote in PhysOrgForum:
“The reason that only one form of force is produced by the gravitophotons is that the coupling constants for the two sorts are different. Only for the attractive gravitophoton is the cross-section for interaction large enough to cause an effect – the other only interacts very weakly.”

The next day alongman replied, in part:
“Using the analogy of the rubber sheet deformed by a bowling ball to illustrate curvature of space by a planetary mass, one can visualize a positive (repulsive) gravitophoton field as causing a (very slight) local upward displacement of the rubber sheet, while a negative (attractive) gravitophoton field causes a relatively much larger downward displacement of the sheet (due to different strength coupling constants as hdeasy points out).”

When I read these postings it gave me a bit of a jolt. Here lies another potentially significant relationship between gravitophotons and magnetism. According to EHT gravitational coupling is greater in attraction and less so in repulsion. What is surprising is that this very much parallels magnetic coupling. Of course the analogy might not stand up under closer scrutiny as to the underlying mechanism, but as early as an 1887 text (Electricity: In Theory and Practice, by B. A. Fiske, D. Van Nostrand Publ. London) it has been known that magnetic repulsion is not as strong as magnetic attraction.

I’m not sure of the significance, but it sure is interesting.