Daily Archives: July 30, 2008

Field effects

Hauser and Droscher’s suggested reconfiguration of Tajmar’s original “Gravito Magnetic Experiment” (often abbreviated “GME”) to one that provides propulsive fields (GME 2) for flight represents only one potential field effect of gravity modification. In a cover story on Dr. Tajmar in New Scientist magazine. Tajmar said, “Levitating cars, zero-g playgrounds, tractor beams to pull objects towards you, glass-less windows that use repulsive fields to prevent things passing through. Let your imagination run riot: a gravitomagnetic device that works by changing the acceleration and orientation of a superconductor would be the basis for a general- purpose force field.”

Tajmar has also suggested the potential of building zero-g simulators on Earth, but since these and other effects are not propulsive how do we describe this new vocabulary of non-propulsive field effects from gravity modification?

Tajmar is not the first to describe various gravity field effects. Inventor Marcus Hollingshead suggested there were seven categories of fields in his interviews with Tim Ventura of American Antigravity. Though Hollingshead’s claims remain unsubstantiated, some of his designations can be instructive. This blogger wrote of potential applications of Hollingshead’s fields in OhmyNews, but it is time to revisit them in light of Tajmar’s foreshadowing of useful gravitomagnetic fields related to his discovery.

Glossary of Field Terms

The field names suggested here are purely descriptive and are yet to be demonstrated:

Propulsion – “Propulsive” motion of a device generating a gMOD field
Thrust – “Push” force on an object at a distance
Traction – “Pull” force on an object at a distance
Standing – “Shield” force pushing radially outward
Membrane – “Containing” force acting as a bubble
Shearing – “Cutting” and punching force
Suppression – “Constraining” force on liquids and motion of particles
Optical – “Lensing” force similar to “gravitational lensing”
Intersecting – “Neutralizing” force intersecting other fields

The following graphic representations are recommended for as a visual shorthand when referring to the different fields:


Here are some suggested applications beyond Tajmar’s comments:

Propulsive –
Terrestrially, most appropriate for levitating vehicles, platforms, emergency egress and sports equipment. Beyond Earth, for propellant-less space vehicles.

Thrust –
Push force useful for supporting unstable structures, levees and producing local microgravity. Could be medically useful for reducing pressure on severe burns or pressure ulcers. Directed thrust field “fingers” could sweep minefields or be used in redirecting and controlling the flow of molten materials without contamination. In the lab, could be used in place of ultracentrifuges.

Traction –
Applying a traction field to increase mechanical load could be an excellent tool for athletic conditioning, physical rehabilitation and artificial gravity environments for space flight.

Standing –
Weak standing fields could be used as a “virtual screen door” to prevent the ingress of flies or mosquitos. Strong fields might be used as windscreens, as dynamically shaped airfoil and hydrofoil bodies for airplanes and submersibles, or to avoid collisions with small objects. Strongest standing fields could push away atmosphere for the creation of high vacuum environments without walls.

Membrane –
Glass-less windows and containment of inert atmospheres for specialty welding are suggested. Small membrane field generators could be thrown into industrial fires to trap combustion products and smother fires.

Shearing –
For cutting, punching, boring, shaping and compression of light materials such as foils and aerogels.

Suppression –
Could be suitable for controlling the rate of chemical reactions and for constraining the shifting of liquids and granular materials during transport.

Optical –
Shaping paths of light for optoelectronics and visual displays. Would make possible new dynamic optics for microscopes or telescopes and perhaps a gravitational equivalent of photonics (gravitonics)?

Intersection –
For windows or doorways into other fields without influencing their operation.